Well Aware has been a concept for the past year and through a lot of learning, the idea has finally become a reality. In this series you can expect to hear about health topics such as heart disease, colon cancer, breast cancer, and diabetes with the focus being on early detection, prevention, and improvement. We will discuss and demonstrate food prep, exercises, meditation and more. It will be fun! Let's go! #StayintheKnow #WithDrShomo #StayTuned #KnowbieNation
We are all aging every day. Healthy Aging is the goal and "Age Wise" is the new series to learn how to age better. In this series I will be discussing some concepts in healthy eating, exercise, stress management to think about how to age gracefully and with limited disability. I drew inspiration for this series from the Blue Zones series by Dan Buettner who traveled the world and investigated the lifestyles of the societies that live the longest (and can prove it with documentation). Click on the link above to check out my YouTube page to learn more! #StayintheKnow #WithDrShomo #KnowbieNation
Launching my YouTube Channel to help with education on Healthy Lifestyles Topics. My first set of videos are from my "Sex Matters" Series. More videos to come on this topic (they are in the editing phase). I am working on research for my next topic currently. Stay Tuned! Stay in the Know with Dr Shomo! #knowbienation #stayintheknow